(Control and monitoring system for dyeing machinery)
It is a comprehensive control and monitoring system for complete dyeing machines. It contains powerful graphical monitoring, dye program editing capabilities, and full colour batch planning. The VIEWTEX central computer system allows to keep a tab on the dye processes and production schedules. It allows user to create, edit, and store master copies of dye programs in the server. This software module provides flexible searching tool to display all the information of the historical batches. It can also be integrated with customer's ERP system and dispensing system to realise "Dye House Automation".
Manufactured by: Fong's National Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong
Key Features
- History analyser: provides flexible searching tool to display all the information of the historical batches
- DPEdit (Dye Program Edit): allows user to create, edit and store master copies of dye programs in the server; displays process curves such as temperature, dosing, etc. for reviewing dye operation parameters
- Production planning: allows production scheduling with colour graphical interface by simply inputting the batch information
- ERP system integration: can be connected with customer's ERP system
- Online monitoring: obtain and display online information of all dyeing machines; shows real time status of dyeing machines and display the important operation parameters
- Obtains and displays online information of all dyeing machines
- Starts the scheduled batch automatically without any unnecessary operation procedure
- Lists out important batch information in curves and report format for analysis
- Provides flexible searching tool to display all the information of the historical batches
- Allows user to create, edit, and store master copies of dye programs in the server
- Monitors and records results of downloaded dye programs
- Reduces and simplifies the data entry process, and avoid human error during data transfer
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