With a robust manufacturing base, and technology partnerships with key world leaders, A.T.E. offers the latest technology systems for blowrooms, cards, drawframes, combers, twisting machines, humidification systems, as well as a range of accessories and spinning machinery components.
Blow Room
Blow Room
A range of high productivity machines to help you get the best out of each individual fibre
Carding Machines
Carding Machines
A range of high productivity carding machines that provide precision control for higher cleaning efficiency
Truetzschler's draw frames prevent defects in the draw frame sliver and ensure that every metre of sliver is of the highest quality
High tech combers that prevent quality variations and enhance performance
Humidification and Air Control
Humidification and Air Control
Luwa India has a wide air engineering product range that includes: customized air handling units, turnkey air conditioning systems, filtration and pre-filtration systems, and more
Assembly Winders
Assembly Winders
The new modular winding machine platform, available with the latest winding technology from SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG.
Spinning Accessories
Spinning Accessories
High quality accessories that ensure the optimum performance of spinning machines including high precision spinning machinery components from TeraSpin, Truetzschler card clothing, and more
Testing equipment
Testing equipment
Top-notch fibre and yarn testing equipment manufactured by MAG Solvics Private Limited, India.