AutoWinder XT
(Yarn appearance board winder)
MAG Solvics' AutoWinder XT is an ergonomically designed yarn appearance board winder with a wide range of rectangular and tapered winding black boards. It operates under a stepped pulley mechanism with traversing motion that ensures uniform winding in different pitch as per standards. Its automatic wrapping in left direction with a pre-settable stopper eliminates manual disturbances.
Manufactured by: MAG Solvics Private Limited, India
Key Features
- Variable winding speed option for fine to course count of yarn
- Yarn wrapped on the board can be 20, 22,26,32,38 and 48 ends per inch
- Specially designed yarn bobbin stand for precise sampling
- Model available upto accommodate 30 inches board
- Automatic wrapping in left directions with pre-settable stopper eliminates manual disturbances
- Operating under stepped pulley mechanism with traversing motion ensures uniform winding in different pitch as per standards
- Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered winding black boards
- Motorized and precision-engineered mechanism for smooth and accurate operation
- Ergonomically designed table top model having rugged steel body construction
- Accurate assessment of yarn appearance to grade the yarn against ASTM photographic comparison standards
- Encoded type drive unit ensures smooth, noise-free operation
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