Shrinking Range - Monfongtex 868
(Compressive, high pressure shrinking range)
Monfongs Monfongtex 868 Shrinking Range is perfectly designed for shrinking woven fabric. The vital part of the range - rubber belt shrinking unit - can be adjusted to a pressure of up to 240 kN. If required, an automatic regulating system (Compactomat) can be added for continuous adjustment of pressure on the rubber belt. This is most beneficial for unsteadiness in each batch lot. The range is equipped with imported rubber belt. The fabric preparation unit in front of the rubber belt unit consists of highly efficient, direct, and adjustable steam drum and rotor damping units. After the rubber belt unit, there is a felt calendar for final drying.
Manufactured by: Monforts Fong's Textile Machinery Co., Ltd., China
Key Features
- Qualitex 750: programmable logic range control and process visualization
- Clip stretching field length: 1200 or 2400 mm
- Compactomat automatic shrinkage control for continuous adjustment of rubber belt pressure to compensate shrinkage potential varying during one fabric lot
- High productivity
- Low maintenance
- User friendly in setting up and monitoring of automation for operating parameters
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