VM 401 beam stocker
The Rabatex VM 401 motorized beam stocker makes optimum use of available ground maximum ground space utilization while providing proper storage of beams. The beams can be assigned using various data such as beam number, mill code, wrap design number, etc. Using these parameters, operators can bring the beams to the point of use in the weaving shed. The VM 401 can handle beam of up to 6500 mm in length, 1400 mm in diameter, and of weights of up to 4000 kg per beam.
- Maximum barrel length: 1800 - 6500 mm
- Maximum beam flange dia: 800 - 1400 mm
- Maximum beam barrel dia: 110 - 350 mm
- Maximum weight capacity: 1000 - 4000 kg/beam
- Beam hanging (option): 1 or 2 per position
- 2 or 4 tiers
- Optimum space utilisation
- Safe storage and transport; prevents stains or other damage to fabric
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