
A.T.E. presents its proven solutions at K 2019

At K 2019, A.T.E. presented its full spectrum of printing and converting industry solutions. The products showcased included ATEX-certified static charge eliminators, static charging systems, online static monitoring, ink circulating and conditioning systems, and vision/defect detection systems. The highlight of the show was the launch of the CamAXIS – a camera-based register control and web viewing system for CI flexo machines.

Valence Electrons (an A.T.E. Group company) provides products and solutions for controlling and eliminating static electricity, ink handling and conditioning systems, recovery of waste heat, and surface cleaning and removal of dust from substrates. Mr Ashok Sethuram, Director - Valence Electrons, explained that, “We are proud to be the first Indian manufacturing company to offer ATEX certified static charge eliminators. These are highly efficient static eliminating bars, designed for neutralising electrostatic charges from fast moving films, paper and other non-conductive substrates (webs) in hazardous conditions.”

A.T.E. Enterprises is the one of the few Indian companies involved in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art register control and vision systems for the flexible printing and converting industry. According to Mr Anand Mehta (Vice President and Head - Print and Packaging Equipment at A.T.E.), register controllers had been the mainstay of A.T.E., while the inclusion of vision systems was a natural extension for the business. Mr Mehta explained that, “Developing vision systems was a logical progression for us. We began with measuring, analysing and generating a correction signal for register control. In the next step, we developed a range of vision systems from entry-level web videos to 100% print and surface inspection systems. CamAXIS, the latest one for CI flexo process, was on display at K 2019. We have another very interesting product on the anvil; wait for news on this one!”

Speaking about the recent product launch of CamAXIS, Mr K V Sanil Kumar (Head - Sales and Service, Print and Packaging Equipment and Valence), explained, “CamAXIS combines web monitoring and register control, making it the ideal solution for CI flexo and stack flexo machines. CamAXIS enables the operator to rapidly bring all colours into register during job set up, thus saving time and raw material. The system uses a high resolution (8.9 MP) camera for web viewing and monitoring. CamAXIS’ benefits include rapid and accurate job set-up and web monitoring, a good grip on print registration and viewing, reduced raw material wastage, and improved productivity.”

With deep domain knowledge built over nearly four decades in the field of print and packaging, A.T.E. has developed a range of novel products and integrated solutions designed to improve quality, raise productivity, and reduce waste. The suite of specialised solutions from A.T.E. will continue to witness higher demand as they enable the print and packaging industry to improve the operational efficiency to meet the growing market demand.

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