

TD 10

TD 10

(Draw Frame)

Self-optimising is one of the key features that makes the TD 10 draw frames unique along with systems like AUTO DRAFT, OPTI SET, and self-adjusting lap monitoring for reliable detection of fibre laps. With the smallest number of belts, maintenance points have reduced to a minimum. The new sliver sensors in the SMART CREEL enable the machine to intelligently detect the sliver breaks whether the sliver is still or moving. With separate drives for can rotation, the creel supports high levelling dynamics since there is no need for the leveller motor to further accelerate the slower creel. Additional mechanical cleaning elements and special controls are not required. Due to the enormous filter surface in TD 10, a constant suction pressure is achieved for a longer duration of time.
Manufactured by: Truetzschler India Private Limited, India

  • Requires 20% less space compared to other competitive models
  • Latest drive technology which requires minimum maintenance
  • SMART CREEL detects the moving sliver
  • Drive separation for higher levelling dynamics
  • Reduced maintenance efforts and requirement of spare parts
  • 6 times bigger filter size – requires less cleaning (only once a day)
  • AUTO DRAFT and self adjusting lap monitoring for reliable detection of fibre laps
  • Push-through technology – a new cooling concept for the control cabinet
  • Efficient use of production area
  • Reliable detection of fibre laps
  • Ease of maintenance

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