EP Pressing Machine
The EP pressing machine is a multiple application machine for pressing package in cone or tube, loose stock such as cotton, wool, and tops. It is designed for the easy handling of large diameters and tall carrier. Depending on the application, appropriate pressing head is available to satisfy the particular needs of any pressing process. A wide range of pressing stroke is available.
Manufactured by: Fong's National Engineering Co., Ltd., Hong Kong
Technical Details
- Maximum loading on turntable: 3000 kg
- Power consumed: 1 kW
- Maximum pressing stroke: 750-1600 mm Key Features
- Working platform with cart elevator
- Turntable with geared motor mounted on trolley
- Trolley is positioned by pneumatic cylinder
- Materials are accurately positioned under the pressing head
- Ensures loose stock density
- Large diameter and height carrier can be easily operated in the EP
- Wide ranging of pressing stock to meet the needs of any carrier pressing process
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